The pain continues.....

2008 August 14

Created by Suzy 15 years ago
My beautiful Brian. Yesterday I read of 3 hit and run accidents, one was a 14 year old boy and his best friend...reminded me of you and Art....the boy was killed and the people got away. It breaks my heart over and over again. How can people be so heartless to leave the scene? I just want you and everyone reading this to know ... I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! I will find the people that hit you and I will let them know what a beautiful person they killed and how many people have been devasted by it. They must be responsible for their actions. You are a very beautiful part of my life...the most beautiful part and no one hurts my son and gets away with one. Just know son that finding these people is in the works and it will happen someday. I love you Brian....and I miss you every second of the life will NEVER be the same without you....I love you son!